Workwrite series: Book 4, 2nd ed. Workplace Communications
Writer: Karen Geraci
About the Series
The Workwrite series is a collection of instructional workbooks focusing on the functions and features of workplace documents. Aimed at engaging adults in understanding and using documents they will encounter in entry-level positions in the industrial, clerical, retail, and hospitality sectors (can also be adapted for use in other work areas), theWorkwrite series provides lesson plans and ample practice with a wide array of authentic workplace documents such as lists, notices, work schedules, job postings, office memos, agendas, meeting minutes, brochures and much more!
workwrite Book 4 explains and demonstrates various ways individuals within a workplace communicate with each other. The book contains a broad range of original workplace document types and styles and discusses the use of notices, postings, memoranda, agenda, meeting minutes, fax cover sheets, email work orders, job postings and letters.
Hard Copy ISBN: 978-0-9865287-7-4E-Copy ISBN: 9780986528712