GET CAMERA Assessor Certified! The Communications and Math Employment Readiness Assessment (CAMERA) System employs real-life workplace documents and tasks to test a person's or develop a learner's reading, document use, writing and numeracy skills. Drawn from Employment and Social Development Canada's (ESDC) Essential Skills research, the documents and tasks together represent common activities in a wide variety of entry-level occupations and diverse employment settings.
Assessors attend five, 2.5 hour modules, via Zoom. Training includes an introduction to the CAMERA System, review of all test content, opportunities to administer and to score learner-generated assessment samples. Throughout the session, trainees are encouraged to present questions and discuss solutions with fellow assessors and trainers. By the end of the training, participants have all the tools necessary to administer and score CAMERA tests. You MUST be certified to administer CAMERA tests.
Included in your training costs are CAMERA Training materials (includes Test pkg, Assessor guide, trainee binder).