Workwrite Book 5: Policies & Procedures, 2nd edition
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Writer: Karen Geraci
About the Series
The Workwrite series is a collection of instructional workbooks focusing on the functions and features of workplace documents. Aimed at engaging adults in understanding and using documents they will encounter in entry-level positions in the industrial, clerical, retail, and hospitality sectors (can also be adapted for use in other work areas), theWorkwrite series provides lesson plans and ample practice with a wide array of authentic workplace documents such as lists, notices, work schedules, job postings, office memos, agendas, meeting minutes, brochures and much more!
Workwrite Volume 5 provides exposure to longer texts and discusses what they represent in the workplace -- their purpose, who reads them, and their connection to legislation. The range of authentic documents in this resource includes policies, procedures, rules, regulations and guidelines. Documents and activities are most appropriate for Ontario's literacy and basic skills levels 3 to 5 (intermediate to advanced literacy upgrading) but can be adjusted for use at a variety.
Hardcopy ISBN: 978-0-9865287-2-9
E-copy ISBN: 978-0-9865287-8-1